Thursday, July 19, 2012

Legen...wait for it... DARY: Barney Stinson

“How I Met Your Mother” is one of my all time favorite sitcoms. (It will NEVER take the place in my heart that “Friends” has, but I still really really like it.) Barney Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris), the womanizing, narcissistic (yet surprisingly insecure), rich bachelor is definitely the character that I laugh with the most. Though he degrades women, plays tricks on them, and ends up sleeping with over 200 of them, I can’t help but love this guy! I feel like I should be throwing my remote at his beautiful, flawless face every time it pops up on my TV, but no, I adore him. It seems that a lot of viewers also can’t get enough of Barney, his trickery, and his famous one-liners( aka… “legen…wait for it…DARY”). But it also appears that there are viewers who despise his antics and the way he treats women.
First, I want to put his character in the frames of reference of our class readings, most notably, the Ward (1995) reading. Barney is a walking, talking, womanizing Ward (1995) Sexual Male Role (in my opinion, anyway). (I am also aware that Barney has some “breakthrough” moments where he seems to have a heart and care about women, but this rare. So I am speaking to his general, most recurring character traits.) Barney always, and only, values women on their appearance, never wanting to get to know them - and often leaving one girl for another more attractive one…because heaven forbid he misses an opportunity with a hotter girl! He considers his success and manliness in terms of his sexuality and how many girls he gets. He uses sooooo many tricks! (i.e, his Playbook of different tricks he uses to get girls). And finally, he is always the one to make the first move at bar, using his many, many different pick-up lines. All of these characteristics mirror Ward’s (1995) male sexual role.
I also want to talk about the possible effects of Barney’s character on viewers. I think many young men may identify with him, or at least aspire to. Barney shows young men how to get girls - I mean, literally - there are several episodes when Barney is teaching other guys how to do what he does…he also has a Playbook with step-by-step instructions for each of his tricks! He thinks of himself as a God, and the other characters like Ted and Marshall often applaud him for his ‘accomplishments’, possibly allowing male viewers to see him as a role model. You can even buy a copy of his “Playbook” and “The Bro Code”. Here’s a link to an article I read titled “5 things we can learn from the AWESOME Barney Stinson”.

This shows that male viewers are looking to learn from Barney.
-A generation of budding ‘Barneys’ running around could be scary… just saying.

            As for women viewers, I have heard mixed reviews. Like me, I think many people think Barney is charismatic, funny, and attractive - we know that he’s a womanizer, but we love him anyway. For others, Barney is simply disgusting. This article titled “The Problem with Barney Stinson” calls him “a feminist’s nightmare”. Though some women don’t like him, they might also be learning from him, like men do. However, what they might be learning is all the ways men can trick and deceive you, and what to steer clear of in a man.

I also wonder if the exaggerated nature of his character is used in a way to show just how gross he is, if anything, mocking his antics, rather than encouraging them. -(kind of like Jonathon’s Anchorman example…) Furthermore, while Barney’s friends do often congratulate, encourage, and envy his successes, they also show no fear in telling him that he is scum. For example, in the episode where he sleeps with his 200th woman, his friends are disgusted and say that 200 is TOO MANY. This can contribute to the idea that the show is mocking Barney’s scum-ness. But then again… Barney’s friends almost end up helping him get that 200th in the end. Confusing and contradictory, huh?
            In all, I’m not sure what the general consensus is about Barney - especially the differences between men and women.

            What do you guys think? Do you love him, hate him, hate to love him, love to hate him? 

Knapen, S. (2009, August 21). Learn from the AWESOME Barney Stinson | Living a successful
college life. StudySuccessful. Retrieved July 19, 2012, from

T, L. (2011, September 25). The Problem with Barney Stinson | Lady T: Funny Feminist. Lady
T: Funny Feminist | Looking at comedy, media, and literature from one feminist's perspective. Retrieved July 19, 2012, from

Ward, L. M. (1995). Talking about sex: Common themes about sexuality in the prime-time television
 programs children and adolescents view most. Journal of Youth and Adolescence

1 comment:

  1. Also, Barney jokes about rape and the fact that he has avoided/won 9 of 9 sexual harassment suits (he actually kissed his fist and raised it up as in to thank God about it.. ) I mean, how can anyone joke about things like that ?
    And his friends don't say anything, just roll their eyes.
    None of Barney's friends have any sympathy for the women he mistreats all the time.
    What it comes to sex, I think a grown up woman knows what she wants..sometimes to fuck a goodlooking fit guys. They don't need any trickery.
    Still the basis of all Barney's 'tricks' is that they are needed to seduce women and to point out how stupid women are.

    Also, the show implies all the time that though being 'the good guys', Ted and Marshall secretly want to be Barneys too, they just don't know how.
    They want to cheat, trick women, strip them off their value and boss them around, like Barney does. It's way more painful to realise that it's them than when it's Barney who is openly misogynist character.

    The show is very clever ; it shows outrageously misogynist material with a smirk followed with Barney's minor failure that he quickly turns to his victory (even bigger one than the original one would have been) and it's usually noted that he didn't want the original 'price' anyway.. Then there's some boyish charm and 'true' emotions of his (maybe even tears).. then the hateful misogynist tricks continue again. All this is written in the middle of great dialogue, funny characters and clever plotlines, so it ALMOST seems acceptable..almost. But not quite. For a female viewer, there's always something distracting in HIMYM and it can leave you feeling very sick after few episodes.

    I really hope that Barney gets what's coming to him.
    Several little, and then few bigger, punishments, to put him back to his place.
    To reward him with marriage with sweet beautiful smart Robin makes no sense after the way he's been acting.. why would Robin want to marry him anyway ?
